Animation Production Day (APD) is a business platform for the international animation branch that takes place each year in the context of the FMX, Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Transmedia and the International Festival of Animated Film Stuttgart (ITFS). In individually organized one-on-one meetings, producers present their selected film, TV or transmedia projects to TV channels, global distributors, publishers, banks and equity investors in order to find the right partner for co-production, financing and distribution.

The new section of the programme “Producers meet Producers” offers producers, service producers and service providers the opportunity to find potential cooperation partners for their project.

The APD Conference looks at production trends, questions of financing and media policy topics.

At the APD 2015, around 120 participants from 12 countries negotiated partnerships for the 37 selected animation projects that were presented at the APD this year. These negotiations took place in more than 450 individual meetings in the Stuttgart L-Bank. The production volume of the projects was around 130 million euros.

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