The 9th Animation Production Day takes place on May 7–8 / 2015 in Stuttgart, Germany.

After a great Animation Production Day 2014 with 33 animation projects and 99 participants from 13 countries the APD announces its next edition with an extended programme for producers.

Animation Production Day 2015 is hosted by the 22nd Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film 2015 and FMX, Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Transmedia. It is an event by Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg and the Film- & Medienfestival gGmbH.

Submission and accreditation forms are online and can be found here on the website.

Animation Production Day 2015:

  • around 30 – 35 handpicked animation projects (TV, feature, game, transmedia)
  • NEW: “APD Producers meet Producers” – additional half day of one-to-one meetings exclusively for producers and service producers wishing to participate as potential co-production partners
  • conference with case studies on outstanding projects and “Animation Content Briefing Session” by broadcasters and distributors
  • Co-production and Co-Financing Market: One-to-one meetings between producers, broadcasters, distributors, sales agents, banks, funding institutions etc.
  • joint meals and other networking opportunities with international industry professionals and the top German players in a family-like atmosphere 
  • full access pass to all programs of FMX, Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Transmedia and the 22nd Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film


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