AniMovie / Kids: Petit Vampire (Little Vampire)

Little Vampire has been 10 years old for the last 300 years. Despite living in a haunted house with a merry group of monsters, he is bored to death … His dream? Going to school to meet other kids. Unfortunately, his parents won’t let him leave the mansion, as for them, the outside world is way too dangerous! Accompanied by his trusted bulldog Phantomato, Little Vampire secretly sneaks out on a quest for new friends. He will soon meet a human boy, Michael, but their friendship will catch the attention of the terrifying Gibbus, an old enemy that has been chasing Little Vampire and his family for centuries …

Little Vampire

France, Belgium 2020, 82 Min.
2D computer
Script: Sandrina Jardel, Joann Sfar
Music: Olivier Daviaud
Editor: Benjamin Massoubre, Christophe Pinel
Animation: Adrien Gromelle
Producer: Thierry Pasquet, Rodolphe Buet, Cédric Pilot, Anton Soumache et al.
Production: Olivier Daviaud Autochenille Production, Joann Sfar’s Magical Society, STUDIOCANAL, Panache Production, La Compagnie Cinématographique, France 3 Cinéma, RTBF
Distribution: STUDIOCANAL
World sales: STUDIOCANAL
German premiere

Available from Wed, 05. – Sun, 09.05.
French original with English Subtitles
Suitable for children aged 6 and older