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School Screening with Making Of: Fritzi und Sophie – A Borderless Friendship

26. April 2024 @ 10:00 – 12:00 – Exclusive making-Of of the brand new series “Fritzi und Sophie – A Borderless Friendship” for school classes. The directors give an insight into the pipeline to production and talk about the project’s backgrounds. In cooperation with Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg (lpb).TicketsFritzi und Sophie – Grenzenlose Freundschaft: Mission BaumhausDirector: Matthias Bruhn, Ralf Kukula, Thomas Meyer-Hermann […]

Studio Presentation: Miyu Distribution – The Last Link Between Festivals and Audience

26. April 2024 @ 10:00 – 11:30 – In 2014 Luce Grosjean founded Sève Films, a distribution company destined to promote student films in animation festivals, but also young talent directors. In 2017, she associated with Miyu Productions to create Miyu Distribution, specialized in distribution in festivals and international sales for animation. Four of the films that she distributed have been nominated for […]

Tricks for Kids School Programme for Classes 1 – 4

26. April 2024 @ 10:30 – 12:00 – The short film programme for primary schools with films from the current Tricks for Kids competition makes you want to discover new things, explore foreign cultures and different realities, and go through life with open eyes. Disappeared socks, stories from the campsite or dancing pigs – there is something here for everyone. The programme is […]

Student Competition 2: Growing up

26. April 2024 @ 10:30 – 12:00 – Growing, growing up, growing on, growing tall, growing together, growing out and growing away. Occurs in life and in film. Wild living, stories about growing up, the state of body and soul, and everyday madness are this year’s defining themes. Established schools from countries with a tradition of animation present themselves in their usual strong way, […]

International Competition 3: Home

26. April 2024 @ 12:30 – 14:00 – We show the best current short films from all over the world, powerful films by young women, modern male perspectives, and confront life’s big questions. Socially relevant and personal topics innovatively visualised, without filters or taboos.From the depths of personal trauma to the confusion of digital identities – this is about struggle and the resilience […]

Panel: Ireland Animated – talent development & opportunities

26. April 2024 @ 12:30 – 14:00 – With millions of children worldwide watching animated programmes produced in Ireland, this small European country is a recognised leader for TV, Film, Games and Visual Effects.The Irish animation industry has experienced substantial growth since 2010 and has emerged as a central component of Ireland’s digital and creative economy. Award winning Irish studios employ over 2,000 […]

Making Of: Fritzi und Sophie – A Borderless Friendship

26. April 2024 @ 12:30 – 14:30 – The series’ making-of gives an insight into the pipeline to production in 3D and shows clips of the motion capture filming. GDR, Leipzig 1989. Fritzi (12) and Sophie (12) are inseparable friends – until Sophie has to secretly flee to the West with her mother. But Fritzi refuses to accept that she will never see […]

German Animation 2: Onwards into the Future

26. April 2024 @ 13:00 – 14:30 – Will everything be better in the future? Will we be able to make free decisions or be controlled by others? And will we still be able to trust our intuition? In this programme, filmmakers dare to take a look ahead. Unfortunately, this is not always as fascinating as we might have hoped.TicketsZoopticon – Songs from a […]